exhibit room
Welcome to the Exhibit Room
The Waupaca Library Exhibit room shall be a space to provide cultural, historical, and educational displays free to the general public.
We exhibit 6-8 shows each year showcasing local artistry, industry, memorabilia and education. If you are interested in showing your collection, please read the Exhibit Room Policy to learn more about the use for this space. The Exhibit Room is made possible through generous support from the Waupaca Public Library Foundation.
The Exhibit Room is located in the lower level of the library (off of the Children’s Department) and exhibits are FREE and open to the public during regular library hours.
Currently on Display
Shelter In Knowledge: Laying a foundation to raise awareness about homelessness in rural communities.
Explore this important installation in the lower level Exhibit Room to learn more about homelessness and the efforts and partnerships in our community. Special thanks to our friends at Foundations for Living for their work on this exhibit!
Current & Upcoming Exhibits/Programs
Upcoming Exhibits
Youth Art Month is an annual exhibit and collaboration between the School District of Waupaca, the Waupaca Area Public Library, and Waupaca Public Library Foundation, to show off the best artwork from Kindergarten-12th grade students.
Please take the time to celebrate the hard work of the students and their many talents. We hope you enjoy!
Waupaca Art Teachers:
Mackenzie Burns – WLC and CEC
Art Schulz – Middle School
Mathew Lawniczak- WLC & Middle School
Tricia Price- High School
Join us for our Awards Ceremony in the lower level Exhibit Room on Monday, February 10 at 6-7pm (awards presented at 6.30pm)!