Library Hours

  • Monday – Thursday     9:00 am – 8:00 pm
  • Friday                              9:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Saturday                         9:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Sunday                            Closed

Welcome to the Adult Department!

Housed on the main floor of the Library,  we have the daily news, magazines, microfilm, along with books, movies and music for all your information and entertainment needs. Questions are welcome at the main desk. Please let our friendly, helpful staff assist you.  Throughout the year we have a full schedule of ongoing programs and special events for adults.

Winter Reading Challenge

Adult Lego Night

Why should kids have all the fun? Join us for an adults only Lego competition. 

Thursday, February 20th, 5-7 pm

You’ll have about an hour and a half to build to our chosen theme (announced that night). At 6:45pm the judges will pick the top designs.

Fabulous Prizes including Lego, Puzzles, and more!

Join us at The Granite Cellar 301 N. Main Street

Upcoming Adult Events

Lunch and Learn

Join us at 12 pm, **TUESDAY** March 4th

Hear from Chuck Theusch, who founded Children’s Library International. Their mission: building libraries in Vietnam and Cambodia


1st Wednesday of each month (Sept-May) to learn something new, and enjoy a meal with us! Library programs are always FREE!

Some months we may need to adjust the schedule to accommodate presenter or holidays. Watch our website for details about each month.

Coming Up: 

March 4: Chuck Theusch Founder/CEO of Childrens Library International ***This is a TUESDAY!***
April 2: Laura Colbert: Waupaca Parks and Rec
May 7: Mike Rohrkaste: Fox Valley Memory Project

Library Book Club

Book-to-Movie Club

Book-to-Movie Club: 10am-??

February 22: “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde

Read along, and then watch a classic with us! Come ready for casual discussion and viewing with light refreshments provided. 

Extra copies available and on display.


Tech Time Appointments

Need help with your laptop computer or electronic device? Call to schedule a one hour appointment for tech help with our library staff. 715-258-4414

Thursday Film Series

Join us for this special Thursday Movie Marathon, complete with Jack Rhodes intros.

Commentary and intros start at 9:30. Movie Schedule is as follows:

10 am: For Me and My Gal
12:30 pm: From Here to Eternity
3 pm: Gaslight
5:30 pm: Princess Bride **Family Film**

Snacks provided at each movie!

Mural Scavenger Hunts

Waupaca has many beautiful murals in the downtown area. Use these scavenger hunts to help you explore them! Two versions are available, click the description to access the PDF file.

Scavenger hunt for adults and older readers
Picture scavenger hunt for younger adventurers

Program Recordings

Stop By For Some Fun!

Our Engagement Table is located just behind the copier in the Adult Department. Stop by anytime for something to do. Offerings are rotated, but include crafts, games, adult coloring supplies and more!