Teen Dungeons and Dragons: Learning To Run Series
Learn how to run your VERY OWN session of Dungeons and Dragons for you and your friends! This is a 4-part program series that will be meeting every Wednesday in February from 3pm-4:30pm in the Teen Room. One of our Library Dungeon Master’s and Teen Librarian, Taylor, will guide you through:
- Creating a dungeon
- Mapping out fun encounters, and crafting up a fun plot to play through
- How to use NPCs, monsters, and more
- How to lead a session of Dungeons and Dragons on your own!
If you’re feeling confident at the end of the month, we’ll look over your dungeon together and see if it’s ready for a library session where you can try and lead a game of your own with our other teen patrons!
For teens in grades 6-12.