Drake Hokanson | At Home in Flyover Country
DATE CHANGE! The exhibit will close on October 17.
Through a series of photographs from many states between the coasts, photographer and author Drake Hokanson explores something of the nature of life and the landscape apart from the big urban centers that so often define us as Americans.
Drake Hokanson is an author, photographer, and independent scholar who looks to the broad American land, its places, well-worn paths, people, and stories as the subjects for his photographs, books, exhibits, and essays. He is the author/coauthor of three books, has edited and contributed to several others, and has exhibited photographs coast to coast. He taught photography and nonfiction writing at the university level on three continents for more than 30 years. Currently he is an organic, independent, free-range scholar living and working in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
For more information, including print purchase, see www.drakehokanson.com.