Test Calendar Page 1
Monthly Weekly Daily
- SU
- MO
- TU
- WE
- TH
- FR
- SA
- 26
Shelter in Knowledge Exhibit
- 27
Shelter in Knowledge Exhibit
- 28
Shelter in Knowledge Exhibit
Staying on Track in a Distracted World -with Ivan Wayne PhD
- 29
Shelter in Knowledge Exhibit
- 30
Shelter in Knowledge Exhibit
¿Cómo se dice?/ How do you say?
- 31
Shelter in Knowledge Exhibit
- 1
Shelter in Knowledge Exhibit
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Story Time
Lunch and Learn: Kayla Suehs-Retirement
Teen Dungeons and Dragons: Learning To Run Series
- 6
¿Cómo se dice?/ How do you say?
- 7
Teen Art Zone: Anime/Manga Night
- 8
Youth Art Month Exhibit
Winter Rec Fest
- 9
Youth Art Month Exhibit
- 10
Youth Art Month Exhibit
Youth Art Month Reception & Awards Ceremony
- 11
Youth Art Month Exhibit
T.V.A (Teen Volunteer and Advisory Agents) Meeting
- 12
Youth Art Month Exhibit
Story Time
Teen Dungeons and Dragons: Learning To Run Series
- 13
Youth Art Month Exhibit
Thursday Film Marathon: For Me and My Gal
Thursday Film Marathon: From Here to Eternity
Thursday Film Marathon: Gaslight
¿Cómo se dice?/ How do you say?
Teen Room Reading Cafe
Thursday Film Marathon: Princess Bride **Family Film**
- 14
Youth Art Month Exhibit
Teen Art Zone: Temporary Tattoos
- 15
Youth Art Month Exhibit
Book Club: Hello Stranger
- 16
Youth Art Month Exhibit
- 17
Youth Art Month Exhibit
- 18
Youth Art Month Exhibit
- 19
Youth Art Month Exhibit
Story Time
Teen Dungeons and Dragons: Learning To Run Series
- 20
Youth Art Month Exhibit
¿Cómo se dice?/ How do you say?
Adult LEGO Night
- 21
Youth Art Month Exhibit
- 22
Youth Art Month Exhibit
Book to Movie Book Club: Picture of Dorian Gray
Teens: The Great Oreo Taste Test